Capacitor in Direct Current Circuit

These online calculators computes various parameters for charging and discharging the capacitor with the resistor

These online calculators computes various parameters for charging and discharging the capacitor with the resistor. Formulae used for calculations are below the calculators.

PLANETCALC, Charging the Capacitor with a Resistor

Charging the Capacitor with a Resistor

Digits after the decimal point: 2
Time Constant, milliseconds
5 Time Constants (99.2% charged), milliseconds
Initial Current, Amperes
Maximum Power Dissipation, Watts
Capacitor Voltage, Volts
Capacitor Charge, microCoulombs
Capacitor Energy, milliJoules
Power Supply Work, milliJoules

PLANETCALC, Discharging the Capacitor with the Resistor

Discharging the Capacitor with the Resistor

Digits after the decimal point: 2
Initial Capacitor Energy, milliJoules
Initial Capacitor Charge, microCoulombs
Time Constant, milliseconds
Initial Current, Amperes
Maximum Power Dissipation, Watts
Final Capacitor Charge, microCoulombs
Final Capacitor Energy, milliJoules
Final Capacitor Voltage, Volts

Below is the picture of electrical circuit for charging the capacitor with the power supply unit.


After switch K is closed, direct current starts charging the capacitor.
According to Ohms law, the sum of capacitor and resistor voltages is equal to power supply voltage.
The capacitor charge and current depend on time. At the initial moment, there is no charge at the capacitor, thus, current is maximum, as well as power dissipation on the resistor.
I=\frac{\epsilon}{R}, P=I^2R
During charging, capacitor voltage changing according to the following equation
where tau
is called Time Constant. Since charging is infinite process, usually, a capacitor is considered to be fully charged after 5 time constants. After 5 time constants, the capacitor will be charged to 99.2% of the supply voltage.
Capacitor Charge
Capacitor Energy
Work of Power Supply

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PLANETCALC, Capacitor in Direct Current Circuit
