Weight-to-Volume Calculator

This calculator takes the weight of the substance in kilograms and allows you to choose the substance from a handbook of densities. It then calculates the volume of the substance and displays it in liters and cubic meters. Additionally, it shows the radius of the sphere in meters and the side of the cube in meters that the substance would form if it were compressed into those shapes.

This option was added as a nod to the old joke about whether a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of iron. It helps you visualize the relative size of the substance and understand why two materials with the same weight might look very different due to differences in density.

The substances are picked up from the following handbook: The density of a substance, which is open for editing by registered users. Density should be entered in grams per cubic centimeter.

PLANETCALC, Calculation of the volume by weight

Calculation of the volume by weight

Digits after the decimal point: 6
Substance density, grams per cubic centimeter
Volume, cubic meters
Volume, liters
Sphere radius , meters
Cube side, meters

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PLANETCALC, Weight-to-Volume Calculator
