Dynamics. Acceleration of an resultant force

This online calculator illustrates the solution of the example problem on dynamics.

When a rocket of mass m is launched, the thrust force of its engine, equal to F, is directed at an angle α to the horizon. Taking free fall acceleration g equal to 10 m/s², find the acceleration of the rocket a, i.e. the modulus of the acceleration and the angle between the acceleration and the horizon β.



After inspecting the figure, it is clear that the resultant force R can be found through the cosine theorem, the modulus of acceleration is equal toR/m, and the angle can be found through the tangent, i.e., the ratio of the projection of the resultant force on the y-axis
to the projection of the resultant force on the x-axis

PLANETCALC, Dynamics. Acceleration of an resultant force

Dynamics. Acceleration of an resultant force

Rocket acceleration a (m/s²)
Angle between acceleration and horizon β (degrees)

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