A2Z52 encoder/decoder

This online calculator allows users to encode and decode messages using the A2Z52 cipher.

A2Z52 is a simple clone of the A1Z26 substitution cipher, where each number is doubled. Thus it contains only even numbers.

For example, the letter 'A' would be replaced by the number 2, the letter 'B' by 4, and so on. Therefore, the message "HELLO WORLD" would be encoded as "16-10-24-24-30 46-30-36-24-8" - each letter is replaced by its corresponding even number.

The calculator below uses the English alphabet, and all non-alphabet symbols are not transformed. For decoding, all numbers (even numbers from 2 to 52) should be separated by any non-digit symbol (dash, space).

PLANETCALC, A2Z52 encoder/decoder

A2Z52 encoder/decoder

Transformed text

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PLANETCALC, A2Z52 encoder/decoder
