Jpeg image meta-data
The calculator displays meta-data stored in a jpeg file.
This calculator displays additional information stored in a jpeg file as EXIF data.
See more information on EXIF format just below the calculator.
Digital cameras may store additional information in jpeg photos. The information is stored in EXIF format in the information block under the APP1 jpeg tag1. EXIF format has the same structure as the tiff format2.
The calculator displays all found data as a list of pairs of EIXF tags and string values. Note: some fields may contain binary data, which may be displayed incorrectly by the calculator.
Meta-data example:
- Camera maker
- Camera model
- Exposure time
- F-Number
- ISO Value
- Was the flash used
- Focal length
- Date and time of image creation
- Geographic coordinates
The calculator can display EXIF version 2.2. It has been developed with aid of the modified exif.js library 3.
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PLANETCALC, Jpeg image meta-data