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Math equation simplification Simplifies math equation with single variable (x). In eqation you may also use integer and fractional numerical constants arithmetic operations, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions. |
Cubic equation Solution of cubic equation using Vieta's formulae. Created by user request |
Linear Diophantine Equations Solver This calculator solves linear diophantine equations (LDE). The LDE calculator is right below, and if you want to recall what linear diophantine equations are, you can find the theory after the calculator. |
Chemical equation balancer This online calculator balances equations of chemical reactions using algebraic method. |
Quartic equation solution This calculator produces quartic equation solution using resolvent cubic. |
Complex polynomial value calculation The calculator evaluates polynomial value. The polynomial coefficients can be either real or complex. |
Equation of a line given two points This online calculator finds the equation of a line given two points on that line, in slope-intercept and parametric forms |
Equation of a circle passing through 3 given points This online calculator finds a circle passing through three given points. It outputs the center and radius of a circle, circle equations and draws a circle on a graph. The method used to find a circle center and radius is described below the calculator. |
Equation of a line passing through two points in 3d This online calculator finds equation of a line in parametrical and symmetrical forms given coordinates of two points on the line |
Real interest rate using Fisher equation This online calculator calculates real interest rate from nominal interest rate with adjustment for inflation using Fisher equation |
First Degree Equation Solver This calculator solves the first degree equations with one variable - the kind that is given in elementary school. |